
19 2014

AIPAC – 2014 Worcester Community Event

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

Jewish Healthcare Center 629 Salisbury Street
Worcester, MA 01609

Contact Susan Kahan

The Jewish state is under constant threat and relies on support from America in order to confront the challenges it faces. The best way to guarantee that the U.S. stands with Israel is through bipartisan support in Congress. AIPAC is focused exclusively on strengthening the U.S.-Israel relationship and works with both political parties to ensure that Democrats and Republicans come together to keep Israel safe. Join us to learn about the threats facing Israel and how AIPAC relies on grassroots activists in local communities to engage with their Representative and Senators to ensure a strong U.S.-Israel relationship. Speaker TBA. *7:00 p.m. Reception is for members of the Worcester Host Committee. If you would like more information about the Host Committee, and how to join, please contact Susan Kahan.