In this beloved tale from Eastern Europe, a distraught man discovers a positive attitude for dealing with the overcrowding in his small home.
The PJ Library® in Central Mass is a gift from the Jewish Federation of Central Mass and the Harold N. Cotton Memorial Fund. Created by The Harold Grinspoon Foundation (HGF), The PJ Library is a national program funded by local philanthropists and organizations like JFCM in partnership with HGF. Through these partnerships, families in hundreds of communities across the United States and Canada are able to explore the timeless core values of Judaism through books and music.
In addition to receiving books and music, PJ Library of Central Massachusetts has events happening throughout the year and are open to all PJ Library families, Young Jewish Families, and their friends. Most of the events are free. If you have any questions or would like to add to an event to the calendar, or get involved with our PJ Library Planning Council, please email Mindy Hall, Outreach Director, at
Recent Books
What does PJ stand for?
Pajamas! We know those special times of reading, dancing and singing together happen when your children are wearing their pajamas.
How does it work?
Each month The PJ Library® mails an age appropriate Jewish content book or CD to enrolled children between the ages of six months to seven and one half years. Imagine the excitement on your child’s face when he/she opens the mail each month!
What’s the cost?
The PJ Library® is free due to funding from the Jewish Federation of Central Mass, the Harold N. Cotton Memorial Fund in collaboration with the Harold Grinspoon Foundation.
Who is eligible to register?
Those who fit all of the following three criteria:
• A family with children from birth to 8 ½ years old
• Has one Jewish parent in the household
• Currently resides in Central Massachusetts
What if I have grandchildren who live outside of Central Mass area?
• To find out if their community is offering The PJ Library, go to If they are, you can sign them up on the national website.
• If your relative’s community is not currently a PJ Library community, you can purchase a gift subscription for each child for just $60 annually.
What's the catch?
Only one — you need to read the books and listen to the music with your children or grandchildren. That's all!
When Laura's children started receiving books from PJ Library, a whole new world of Judaism opened to the entire family.
PJ Library Donors
Harold N. Cotton Memorial Fund
Jewish Federation of Central Massachusetts
The Harold Grinspoon Foundation
PJ Library is a Jewish Family engagement program implemented on a local level throughout North America. We mail free, high-quality Jewish children's literature and music to families across the continent on a monthly basis.