You will find links to the 4 Jewish Cemeteries participating in this project to help you find loved ones and family.
The oldest Jewish cemetery is two sections of Hope Cemetery and dates back to the early 1800’s. Worcester Hebrew Cemetery opened in 1896 and Chevra Kadisha, also known as Holy Society Cemetery, opened in 1925. Chevra Kadisha also incorporates a Sons of Israel and a Sons of Abraham section, while Hebrew Cemetery has been known as the Sons of Abraham Cemetery.
To the right you will find the link to an alphabetical listing for the 4 cemeteries mentioned above. You will find after each person’s name the cemetery*, section, row and lot number where that person is buried. For your convenience you will also find a map for each of the 4 cemeteries.
The Jewish sections of Hope Cemetery are 21 and 82, Cherry Ave. – Laurel Ave., and Edgewood Ave. That cemetery has someone on duty whenever it is open who can direct you to the northeast corner where the Jewish sections are.
We thank the many people who worked on this project.
*Cemetery abbreviations:
WH = Worcester Hebrew Cemetery